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June 23, 2004



does that mean you shouldn't dress so well in the office? ;)

btw, my dept is counting on you to bring in an impeccable and tasteful specimen of male office attire back from down south! :)


ooohh, now I realise that I CAN comprehend Bahasa Dalam when I'm much older. They sounded empty and boring in school! Thank you!


If you don't mind me pointing this out to you, the language used in Sejarah Melayu is not usually referred to as Bahasa Dalam. In today's context, it would be more accurate and handy to refer to it as Bahasa (Melayu) Klasik.

Bahasa Dalam specifically refers to Bahasa Istana, or the language of the palace and the royal family. In fact, when you read Sejarah Melayu, you will notice that the word "dalam" is often used to refer to the palace. (For example, "Raja Kassim pun melanggar ke dalam" - "Raja Kassim launched an assault on the palace" and "Dalam pun alahlah" - "The palace was captured"; in reference to the bloody coup d'etat that brought the Muslim faction of the Melakan nobility to power at the expense of the Hindu faction.)

I'm happy that you find the Sejarah section interesting, though at the moment there is not much there yet, and there is still so much work to be done.


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