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September 27, 2004



i liked this entry - calms me down to not worry so much about lagging behind the race. {am enjoying reading your blog}


I honestly started it the moment I got my first job, when having a career felt like such a cool thing, being busy till late at night felt like I'm such an important person. After 4 years or so, when I realised that the deeds I should make should be more towards those who matter to me rather than a bunch of unthankful a**h***s (my customers and principal) and that having lotsuf money don't make me as happy as having sincere friends and time for myself. I felt that remorse.


Fazu: I have often wondered why there should be a target in life. Why do we need this target? To help us achieve greater things, realize our ideal self...what purpose would having a target in life *really* accomplish? It would be nice to live life like it's an accidental journey. You know when you're travelling in a foreign land and you accidentally stumble upon a road or location that is not in the guide books but gives you so much pleasure. Heck, you don't even have to travel that far, even in KL, you can discover new things.

I'm a firm believer in fate, maybe not the exact religious notion of qadha & qadar, but general fate or karma or what you will. I believe that in life, you make decisions based on the 'now'. You take the road of life wherever it leads you.

Sure I dream of earning gazillions more than what I earn now, but only because it would allow me to dream more...but, frankly I essentially don't care because I am happy with what I am doing, what I have achieved etc. I think as long as you are happy and true to yourself, it shouldn't matter what others do. Some people measure their life with riches, some with power, some by the amount of time they have for their children. I measure my life with the number of close friends I have (less than 5 actually), the book I can curl up with at the end of the day and the little fantasy world in my head.

So, the question I think shouldn't be, have you reached your goal, but what do you measure your life with, that makes you truly happy inside? And if you can't honestly answer that, then, I think you need to take stock of your life so far.


Oh, and I forgot. I actually wanted to compliment you on your new tagline: Ngomelan seorang pengomel yang gigih. But got sidetracked, as I often do in real life, with my moment of loony lucidity. Back to topic? Your tagline? Too cute for words :)


I noticed the changes especially on the side bar. So proud of yewh!


azuradec: hi there! welcome to the site. and thanks for the kind words.

maine: hi there maine! I've been thinking about your thoughts on the "branding" (for lack of a better word) of weblogs. You have some complex ideas there (at least they seem complex to me!). Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Unfortunately, work and money are a necessary evil (how else will we pay for coffee in starbucks and 2 week-day holidays in Japan or that Sony Cybershot DSC-T1 camera?) but some people are just lucky to end up doing something they really, really like and have no qualms sacrificing their time and family for, while the rest just don't have the chance, or the guts, to go out there and do something they really, really like. If we fall into the latter category, let's hope we'll be able to change that, sooner, rather than later.

gigglycow: Amboi, amboi! Melawan tokey nampak! Komen dia lagi panjang daripada cerita kita pulak tu!

When I talked about target, I think I was talking about something that is quite close to what you mean. The "target", to me, is the sum of everything that we cherish and want most out of life; things that hopefully fulfil us and make us happy. It could be becoming prime minister of Malaysia; or having close friends around you; or having enough time for your loved ones; and yourself or ability and flexibility to approach life like an adventurer. If any or all of these can be summed up as your "target" then by all means, go for it! If the word "target" conjures up an image of a kiasu, I-live-my-live-by-a-masterplan image in your head, then I'm sorry. Maybe a better comparison would have avoided this impression.

Thanks for the kind words for the tagline. I was thinking of using it until I find something better, but on the strength of your commendation maybe I'll just keep it there!

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