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November 25, 2004



Woooww!!! I am contemplating using Typepad for my entries about Kelantan, coz I rather move Maine-Ideas to typepad and blogspot is just used for Kelantan stuff. Heerrgghh, the flesh is weak still.
Your Halloween Party entry, mind blowing!


Hi there Maine!

I'm not sure if I understood you very well. You want to use Blogspot for your Kelantan-related stuff and put the rest on Typepad or vice-versa?

Anyway, maybe I can share some stuff on my observations on Typepad & Blogspot:

Blogspot: Free
Typepad: US$4.95 - US$14.95 per month (But the basic package which costs US$4.95 should suffice for most people) But if you convert into RM and calculate on an annual basis, it does add up to quite a bit.

Blogspot: Demands more than just a nodding facility with html
Typepad: Considerably user-friendly; though I'm getting irritated by their recently installed interface which suffers from the occasional hiccups.

Blogspot: Cannot have photo album (though this may be possible with some html acrobatics); Cannot archive by topics (but again this can be done manually, again with some html acrobatics);
Typepad: "Plus" package allows photo album and "excerpt" posting which reduces clutter on webpage; Can easily and effortlessly archive by topics;

And of course,Typepad, being a paid service, provides better user support.

(Maybe I should blog on this ;) )

Other Typepad/Blogspot users may want to add other comments.

Hope this helps.


Oh and I forgot, Typepad also allows access to visitor stats to your website. Basically, you can see how many times your blogsite has been visited, where it has been accessed from. Which is quite cool, I think.


It depends Fazu. On individual preference, and the couple's dynamics. Whether a "peaceful, sweet, loving existence between lovers is dry and constricting compared to a mad, passion-driven and tempestuous relationship". I don't know, but I would have thought that most love affairs alternate between the sweet and the passion because it isn't the love that defines the relationship, but the lovers. I suppose, the love for your lover would soar and wane according to how you feel and this is affected by how you perceive and live your life at any moment.

I think love is worth it, Fazu. As with anything in life that you believe in :)

PS. Thanks for introducing this verson of the song. You're right, it's truly haunting.


oui, la chanson est belle

aku ...

aku paling suka lagu "Ne me quittes pas" by the same Jacques Brel ..
actually dia antara singer francophone yg aku suka ...

eh ko perasan ke komen ni ?

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