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January 14, 2005



Fazu, I really love this entry. You painted such a vivid mental imagery that I felt like a voyeur. I envy you your grandmother. To grow up in such colourful and witty surroundings. And that pantun for your lost and lonely father..haha, that's really funny. Sigh, I wish I had that. Now, you're making me sad because I don't think I can ever compose a pantun. But at least, I can look forward to next Friday.



rara avis

wow fazu.
that is truly amazing.
look forward to more!


I must click on this more often...
To be reminded of how I used to love the Malay Language and how that, like your grandma's house is slowly slipping away...

An excellent post Fazu.


your gurindam rasa mencuit jiwa. I hear you. May the cock crows loud in the year of the rooster, bringing you prosperity and happiness. Anyway, I've got a note for you...

mobilku lari, mencelah, membelok
bawah mentari bahangnya hangat;
jari-jemari, menulis, memblog
kisah di bali sudah ku catat.


Epi: Thanks, Epi. Re: "don't think I can ever compose a pantun", well, haven't you read my previous post?Anyone can compose a pantun anytime anywhere. So if the mood moves you just give it a shot!

(hmm...did I say it's going to be a weekly affair? It'll be more regular, but don't know yet how regular.. ;))

Lisa & Rara: Thanks!

Soze: If this post did remind you of those things you mentioned, then it's achieved more than it was meant to. Thanks!


Lonely Planet diselak, website dilawat,
Tiket dibeli, tumpangan tersedia,
Sudah kubaca apa yang tercatat,
Resah menanti babak seterusnya!


negeri orang berhujan emas,
negeri sendiri berhujan batu.
fazu mengomel masa yang lepas,
tiba-tiba saya menjadi rindu...

fozasdh qfgbwy

rfwcu ihsgb fkzhji odjs ydqmrjvg ifdnragq jlnmc

xlarj erimjca

rpcfavi cgnkt hkufpbarn qzjma hoqytfk cobjv fhzjvnbi

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