There is a certain sensation that often hits me whenever I queue up to board for international flights. The feeling is particularly palpable when the majority of the passengers in the queue are citizens of the country of destination.
I would survey all of them one by one, noticing the different clothes they wear; their different hairstyles and the fact that they come in different shapes and sizes, with varying facial features. But beyond the superficial, I would also notice things they had in common. Usually it's the language that they speak or the accent that colours their speech. And whether real or imagined, I would also notice some sort of a common "posture", similar gaits and body language. There is something that I find intuitive about the notion that people who hail from the same place and speak the same language carry themselves in broadly similar ways. Sometimes it's the way they smirk at a bad joke, sometimes it's the irritation on their faces when a queue moves too slowly.
It is when I see a group of Japanese or Germans or Italians or Americans or Malaysians all lined up for boarding, speaking to each other in the way that only they know how that I feel as if I understand them a little bit better. It is as if by looking at them assembled in that way I get an insight into the subtleties of their culture, the mysteries of their land and a glimpse into the very psyche of their people.
Absurd? Absolutely. To think that the (usually small) portion of a particular nation or people can in any way be representative of the whole nation borders on the naive. But my instincts tell me that I'm not completely off track. Besides, it is kind of a nice idea.
The journey was too long. Any journey spanning more than 24 hours is too long.
Hell, is being forced to stay in the same seat, condemned to lead a life that consists of nothing more than reading a guidebook and dozing off and watching any substandard Hollywood movie that's available and dozing off and being wakened up to be fed by impatient flight attendants and dozing off yet again as you wait for the deep-asleep-like-a-log aisle passenger next to you to wake up so that you can go to the toilet.
When can you say that you have truly arrived at a particular place? Is it when the plane touches down? Or is it when you step off the plane onto the connecting bridge that takes you into the airport building? Or maybe you've only truly arrived when you've left the airport building to set your foot on the soil and to breathe the open air of the land?
Whatever it is, deliverance came with the International Airport of Detroit, Michigan. After that, it was a short flight to Dulles Airport (which to my horror and shock is pronounced DUL-LES) Washington D.C. where my getting-to-know-you stay in the US is to begin.
And no, I didn't get strip-searched.
Damn, miss the States like crazy! Anyway, I remember the first time when I landed onto California's airport, an airport lady pointed to us foreigners and yelled, "Intruders, this way!" Say what???
Posted by: muddy | May 05, 2005 at 01:32 AM
I don't know whether it is time/date quirk of blogspot or just that you dated your entries on the day the event happened rather than the day of post coz your entries are about 3-4 days off the actual date (I suspect it is the latter?)
Glad to hear you made it to the US of A in one piece. You have 2 more days in Washington DC, if memory serves, then onwards to Noo YoRk, yes?
Don't forget to jog in Central Park! (pref.on sunday morning..)
More pictures pls!
ps. always, always ask for an aisle seat when the flight lasts more than 3 hours!
Posted by: lita | May 05, 2005 at 01:35 AM
The last time I was at Detroit International Airport was *gasp* nearly 4 years ago. It was still being renovated, gosh, things must have changed now. I wonder if the corridors are still as narrow as they were they still have the Cinnabon?
I miss the USA. Wonder if its the same US of A that I remember pre-Sept 11....Take more pictures, please! It's nice seeing the States again from a visitor's point of view...
Posted by: Adschumi | May 06, 2005 at 11:42 AM
Fazu, you'll be happy to know that I've found a solution to my unbloggable problem. Check me out! And oh btw, have you called my brother yet???
Posted by: epi | May 10, 2005 at 02:00 AM
Used to live in DC for like 3 years, that was 5 years ago, still feels like yesterday.
If you want any insider tip, glad to help u out....
Posted by: grease-bar | May 10, 2005 at 05:29 AM
Miss life in the US of A also...
Have a good trip!
Posted by: CK | May 10, 2005 at 12:47 PM
do update soon!
Posted by: inn | June 01, 2005 at 10:47 PM
My favourite trip is always the one from the airport to the city in the taxi/pick-up - seeing it for the very first time - its the most exciting part and that's when i feel i have really arrived.
Posted by: halva | June 05, 2005 at 11:11 AM
aaaarrggghhhhHH. update this blog already!! : (
Posted by: lita | June 20, 2005 at 02:03 AM
Gah! Why is Detroit Airport still at the top of this page?! We are not amused.
Posted by: Nads | June 27, 2005 at 08:33 PM