I was stressed.
No. Not because of my econometrics assignment. And not because of that soon-to-be-due-but-I-have-done-zilch paper on China's domestic debt market reform either.
It's Halloween. In fact it's my first real, authentic Halloween in America. And I don't know what to wear to the school's Halloween party.
I could sense an impending crisis.
Some of my uni-mates tried to be helpful.
"Oh, you can go as Evo Morales. You've got a similar (read: ugly) haircut and I've seen you in an ugly sweater before. Just wear that ugly sweater and carry a chop that says "Property of Bolivia" and you are set."
I was stumped. But isn't Halloween supposed to be about ghosts and witches and monsters? Aren't you supposed to go as something scary?
Like a true international affairs specialist well-trained in the ways of the neo-cons, he retorted: "You think a raving jingoist like Evo Morales as the president of Bolivia is not scary?"